Tuesday, July 17, 2012


While painting the interior walls of a room it is most common that paint stains fall on the wood furniture/wood flooring/wood doors/wood cupboards. 

The excitement of the freshly painted room/house will be hindered by the ugly looking paint stains all over the wood furniture inside the room. Removing the paint marks wood surface is a tiring process. 

Here's one simple DIY suggestion which works effectively in removing such stains. 


Wood used in picture - Original Indian Teak
Wood Polish - PU polish (Polyurethane)
Paint used for walls - Water based luxury emulsion.

To remove such paint stains using light acetone based liquid like nail-enamel remover will work wonders. Gentle rub on the stains with cotton/cloth dipped in acetone liquid/nail enamel remover.
However, using good quality nail-enamel remover is recommended and avoid using duplicate/local brands.